DC 15

PhD Position (m/f/d) Preclinical Validation of Bioabsorbable EMD Prototypes by Development and Application of Imaging Techniques

Project Description

Your PhD project will be involved in the preclinical validation of large-scale devices (those produced by DC8-10) through development and application of imaging techniques in large animal testing using mini-pigs.

The objectives of this project are:

1. Plan and conduct early and acute functional performance of selected devices (second batch) that have passed in-vitro verification within WP2

2. Establishment and application of imaging techniques (e.g. angiography and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), µCT) to monitor and quantify device degradation in-vivo as well as to assess performance of selected EMD devices from bioabsorbable alloys.

3. Plan and conduct long-term mini-pig animal model for preclinical validation of EMD prototypes.

Recruiting partner

MERLN,  Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

PhD enrollment

MERLN,  Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

Secondment host

Luminary Labs Limited, Northumberland, England

Lead Supervisors

Prof. Dr. Martijn van Griensven (Maastricht)
Dr. Benjamin Pippinger (Luminary Labs)

For further details or queries about this project, please contact


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